Monday, March 2, 2009

LP # 3- Pacinos Barbershop

On this visit to the barbershop, I was much more relaxed. I had a better idea of what to expect and had already met all the barbers on my previous visit. 

It was early and the shop wasn't too busy. Mostly, their were younger kids getting their haircuts and some were accompanied my their parents. 

Elvis was cutting a little boy's hair that was only six years old. He asked the boy, "Your not going to fall asleep on me this time, right?" Elvis told me that the little boy usually falls asleep when he is getting his hair cut.

I was able to speak to a client named Melvin Santiago, 25. He moved to Florida from New York three years ago and said that Erich was the only barber he found here that cut hair like the barbers in N.Y. He also said that he enjoys coming to the barbershop because he can relax and just hang out with the boys. Melvin comes to the shop every other Friday to get "edged up" but sometimes stops by after work to hang out and play video games. " Everyone at the shop has become like a family to me, I feel like i'm back in New York."

I was also able to sit and talk with Eric for a while. His family is Colombian and he was raised in New York.  At 18 years old, he joined the navy and served for four years. When he was done, he moved to Florida with his family.

He couldn't find a barber in West Palm Beach that cut his hair good enough so he started doing it himself. When his friends began to notice, they wanted him to cut their hair too. As he started getting more clients, he took over his parent's garage and turned it into a barbershop. He also made time to go to school and get his barber license. 

He began working at a local barbershop and his clients followed him. He had big dreams and hoped to have his own barbershop one day. He spoke to his boss about his plans and he supported Erich's ambition. Erich saved up enough money to by the owner out of the shop. He was only 25 years old. He made a deal with the owner and was able to pay half of the money upfront and pay the rest in installments for two years. 

Erich focused on advertising techniques to get the word out about his barbershop. He would promote at local Latin festivals, giving free haircuts. He knew it was all about the marketing. He would also do unique designs on client's heads like the Puerto Rican flag, which got a lot of attention. He made business cards and specialized on urban, Latin style cuts. He teamed up with a local radio station and held "back to school specials." Erich's promoting paid off and soon his barbershop was filled with clients. 

"If you have the love for something, you will find a way to market it," he said. He started off without any employees but slowly began to hire barbers and teach them to perfect their techniques. He felt his barbers needed to be the best because it was his name on the line. 

He opened his shop on Feb 14 and it has been open for nine years now. Throughout the years, Erich has made a name for himself in West Palm Beach and his barbershop; Pacinos has become a brand. He has an extensive line of celebrity clients, which he travels to personally cut their hair. His main celebrity client is P. Diddy. He hosts various club events throughout West Palm Beach, called Pacino’s Parties which are very successful. 

Erich named his barbershop, Pacinos the movie, Scar face. He felt Pacinos was the best name because it was an Italian word meaning, clean. 

His future plans are to possibly open a second barbershop and come out with his own line of men's cosmetic products. 

Although he is well known throughout the community, Erich doesn't consider himself a local celebrity, just an entrepreneur who is20hardworking, down to earth and confident. 

He is also involved with a couple charities. He speaks at charity events and donates to children's organizations. It's not something that he brags about because he feels that as long as he knows he is doing something right, that’s all that matters. 

The biggest misconception people have of him is, "People think i'm Hollywood without even knowing the real deal," he said.

I think my time at the barbershop was a great experience. If not for this assignment, I know I would have never walked in. I was always curious to know what went on in there like what the guys talked about and what the inside looked like.

Now, I have a much better understanding of what goes on in barbershops and what guys talk about, which is mostly girls. It simply a place they go and hang out with their boys while getting a hair cut. They gossip just like girls do, maybe even more. It's just like a beauty salon except with no girls. 

I'm glad I was able to have this experience and share it with others. Erich told and the barbers told me that I am welcome back anytime, even if I just want to hang out.