Friday, January 16, 2009

Journal 1b- 2nd class meeting

Our second class meeting of Multi- Ethnic Reporting wasn't as shocking as the first but i'm sure there is more to come in the upcoming weeks. 

This class meeting was very informative. It answered the questions I had on the blogs, Listening Posts, journals, etc. I was able to get a clearer understanding of the uncomfortable place we are to visit and why. Although, it will be nerve-wrecking in the beginning, it actually sounds like it's going to be an interesting assignment and experience. 

So, it's all starting to come together, slowly... Just like the race/gender assignment we did in the first class meeting, uncomfortable at first but a learning experience in the end. 

Watching the clips from the Barbershop movie was entertaining, I almost forgot I had been at school for 10 plus hours! It helped me decided on my three choices for the listening post assignment. 

So, with pending approval from professor Reisner, I might be going to the barbershop. 


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