Monday, January 26, 2009

Journal 2- 3rd class meeting

What defines excellance: To be a good journalist _____________ (fill in the blank).
Our professor asked us this question at last Tuesday's class meeting... 

Everyone raised their hands to offer their suggestions and share ideas on the matter. Some of the qualities and traits mentioned were: cover the uncovered, admitting to biases, telling both sides of a good, give a voice to the voiceless, draw the reader in, humanity, etc.

By the end of the discussion, the whiteboard was covered with a variety of excellent traits and qualities. However, there was no mention of ethnicity, gender, race or class. It's as if it didn't cross any of our minds or maybe we just didn't want to say it out loud.

The realization was that everything we listed had nothing to do with race. In a way, it showed that as journalism students we are colorblind.

In addition to the good spirit present at the University with the excitement surrounding Tuesday's 44th presidential Inauguration, professor Reisner let us out quite early that night. 

All in all, a very pleasant day and another interesting and insightful class meeting!

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