Friday, January 16, 2009

Journal 1c- IAT test

So, I visited Project Implicit and took the Gender-Career IAT test. It was weird at first since I had never taken one of their tests but I slowly caught on. 

My results showed I did associate women with family more and men with careers more but that's not my personal feeling on the matter. I didn't feel offended by the test. The results are to be expected. It's what we have learned growing up and what society has pressed upon us. Women are more commonly associated with family (stay-at-home moms) and men more with careers (CEO/president). 

My mom is and has been the hard-working one in my family so although I do think women relate more with family they also relate very much to careers. My mom did both and climbed her way up the corporate ladder, showing me that women can be successful with both family and career. I strongly believe it is possible. I was lucky enough to witness it. 

The IAT results are what they are. There's no need to get your "panties in a bunch" over it. Something i've learned from professor Reisner in these first two weeks: "Don't take it personal!" I'm sure there will be many more lessons throughout the semester.

 I'm taking notes...

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